Curriculum Vitae
Here is a selected overview of my work experience, experience abroad, awards, and education.
Work experience
- Since 10/2024: Guest Lecturer “Applied Artificial Intelligence”
- TUM School of Management, Technical University Munich
- Since 03/2023: Full Professor in Information Systems and Human-centric Artificial Intelligence
- University of Bayreuth
- Since 03/2023: Group Leader “Business Analytics”
- Fraunhofer FIT
- Since 03/2023: Senior Expert Artificial Intelligence
- IBM Germany
- Since 03/2023: Director
- Research Center Finance & Information Management (FIM)
- 02/2020-03/2023: Managing Consultant Data Science
- IBM Germany
- 09/2017-02/2023: Head of Applied AI in Services Lab
- Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) / Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM), KIT
- 08/2014-08/2017: Research Assistant
- Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI), KIT
- 10/2012-08/2014: Research Assistant (part-time during master’s)
- Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB), KIT
- 08/2009-04/2010: Intern Prototype Development (full-time)
- Porsche AG
Experience abroad
- 03/2024 Research stay at the University of Texas in Austin, hosted by Maria De-Arteaga
- 03/2024 Research stay at Carnegie Mellon University, hosted by Adam Perer and Katelyn C. Morrison
- 03/2022 Research stay at the University of Texas in Austin, hosted by Maria De-Arteaga
- 03/2019 Research stay at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, hosted by Steven O. Kimbrough
- 02/2019 Research stay at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, hosted by John Cohn
- 12/2018 Research stay at the University of Auckland, hosted by Tava Olsen
- 11/2016 Research stay at the University of Warwick, hosted by Irene C L Ng
- 2012, Internship Porsche Business Services, Chicago
Scientific Advisory
- Appointed expert in the Committee for Science and the Arts in the Bavarian State Parliament on the topic of “Opportunities and Risks of AI in the Science Sector”.
Awards and Honors
- HHAI Best Full Paper Award 2023
- ACM IUI Best Paper Award 2023
- IBM Consulting Technical Award 2023
- HICSS Best Paper Award 2021
- IBM Best Paper Award 2018 and 2019
- KIT Department of Economics and Management Faculty Teaching Award 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020
- DAAD International Collaboration Package 2015 and 2019
Founding experience
- Since 2023: EXIST-Mentor of Teamful
- Since 2020: Mentor of femfeel
- 2018: Co-Founder of kalytics (later developed into prenode)
- 2015-2021: Co-Founder and Executive Board Member of Education for Refugees e.V.
- Habilitation in Applied Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2023
- Ph.D in Information Systems, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 2017 (summa cum laude)
- M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering & Management, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 2014
- B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering & Management, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 2010